Monday, 28 February 2011

February Phone Box

Before this short month ends, here is the first, the topmost, phone-box. It is, for those who might detect a slight obsession, significant in one regard: the most northerly phone-box of the British Isles, located on Unst, which is part of Shetland.

Of the hundreds of phone-box pictures that I have taken, this has to be one of my favourites, not only for its significance, but the memory of the trip, the friends I spent time with, and the fact that during a week of sideways rain (as mostly happens on Shetland) we found this famous kiosk just as the sun was setting, pale and bright, on a chilly autumn evening.

The Caller shall remain, of course, anonymous (although his name begins with 'A')

1 comment:

  1. If you ever feel like a chat with a Haroldswick resident (or a passing sheep) and want to call that phone, its 01957 711347.

