Thanks to our National Poet, we have another day to add to the drinking calendar! Appropriate, then, that I should post on the day after Burns Night the second of my 26 Treasures. For this piece, I wanted to find something associated with The Bard. Unfortunately, the item that took my interest wasn’t actually on display, so I had to look online for a picture.
Perhaps I should design my own family crest, as Burns did, to illustrate my piece. But no, there isn’t time; I shall pilfer the picture instead, in the spirit of my little poem (which also steals a joke told to me by a friend who passed away a few years ago, so at least he’ll not chase me for it.)
Stock-and-horn – from a Chanter, owned by Robert Burns
from my family crest; replace it
with a stock-and-horn, perhaps
I’d filch affinity with Burns.
Would I choose a bird, or bush
– Twisted Hazel, Song-Thrush –
swap the mottled tartan; maybe
something more exotic, or plain?
I’d pilfer, for a motto, ‘What
defines a courteous Scot?
One who kens to play the
pipes… but chooses not.’